Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Your Wardrobe

Eyeglass Cleaners

One pair of pantyhose with a run can save you from ever having to purchase disposable eyeglass cleaners again.

Pantyhose are lint free and have enough of an abrasive surface to clean without scratching.

Cut a pair of pantyhose which you can no longer wear into small squares and stash them where you can easily grab them to clean your eyeglasses and sunglasses. Stash a few in your purse, in a desk drawer, in your automobile glove compartment ... I'm a bit obsessive so I store them inside snack-size baggies but you could use recycled envelopes as well.

Hair Scrunchies
Cut strips horizontally across the leg of a pair of pantyhose to create hair scrunchies. The thicker you make the strip the less stretch the scrunchie will have, so you might want to vary the thickness of the tubes you cut so that you have a variety of scrunchies. The beauty part of this is that depending on your hair color you may have scrunchies that will blend in with your hair.

Use the method above but cut the tubes about half an inch thick, but you'll have to experiment a bit to see what works with your pantyhose and your head. These should be able to stretch large enough to serve as headbands.

Around the House

Computer Screen Cleaner
You can also use them to clean your computer screen and the glass or acrylic in your picture frames.

Place used pantyhose squares in a mesh lingerie bag, wash and re-use them over and over again.

Find Lost Items
Cut away the foot section of a pair of old pantyhose and slip your vacuum hose inside. Turn on the vacuum and run it over the area where you lot your earring, beads, etc. Small items will be sucked right onto the surface of the pantyhose but won't be sucked into the vacuum.

First Aid
Cut the legs from a pair of old pantyhose and stash them in your first aid kit to use as a turniquet or in place of an ace bandage.

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